
Disturbing Figures On Road Deaths - 19th November 2014

In the UK there is concern following the release of statistics which reveal that road deaths increased by 3% compared to the year ending June 2013, to 1,760. There were 24,580 killed or seriously  injured (KSI) casualties in the year ending June 2014, a 4 per cent increase compared to the previous year.

Rolling years ending June

  • In the year ending June 2014 there were 1,760 reported road fatalities, a 3 per cent increase from 1,713 in the previous year.
  • KSIs increased by 4 per cent, to 24,580 and the total number of casualties increased by 4 per cent to 193,290.
  • Motor vehicle traffic also increased by 1.7 per cent over the same period.

The causes are as yet unknown, but the figures are in themselves a call to action for all road safety professionals.

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